Friday, April 30, 2010

Portland trip, Day 4!! Short blog

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why I have been neglecting you

Life has been busy lately. Unfortunately I haven't had much time to blog over here, I've been busy managing Moonfrye, a lifestyle network with over 2,000 members. I do a lot of blogging on that platform, so I would encourage anyone to check out the content there; hopefully I can scrape up some spare time to dedicate here.

As of tonight I am taking a week to take a road trip with one of my best friends. Tim Koza and I are going to be heading up to Portland to hang out with his brother. Along the way we will be spending time in San Francisco with my dear friend Sharon, camping at our favorite spot in Grant's Pass, and camping in Lake Shasta on our way back.

I'm super excited about this trip, it'll be great to be on the road again. I haven't really been out on the highway since the last time Tim and I went on tour nearly two years ago. And though this trip is just for pleasure and not a tour, we will be playing a couple shows in the Portland area.

I'll hopefully be vblogging a lot, so keep an eye out!
