Thursday, May 27, 2010

I hate AVC

In the town I grew up in there is a community college called Antelope Valley College. When I was young and attending this school, it was a great experience. The teachers were good, the students were decent, I had a blast and learned a bit.

Returning to this school to take some fun classes after earning a Bachelor's degree from a major university, I am shocked by how this place of "higher education" has turned into a cesspool of stupidity and senseless bureaucracy.

I now hate AVC. I know many people who attend the college currently or have in the fairly recent past feel the same. After dealing with some more senseless bureaucracy today I thought that maybe I should start a blog for people to come together on the subject.

In my mind this blog would be a place to indulge in some outright bitching and complaining, but to go one step further... building an army of students, staff, and faculty from different disciplines and backgrounds who want to enact change.

The domain is available, and I am seriously considering starting the site this week. I'm looking for COMMITTED contributors. If you or someone you know would be interested, please email me.


  1. Interested for real. You know my email, let me know more when you get around to it. I have a lot to share!

  2. although it is great, no one really seems interested.
